How our experienced veterinary team works with you and for your practice
Burzenski has many years of experience in the veterinary space - over 30. We've used that experience and knowledge base to help us understand our clients and what we can do for them, make our information relatable and hopefully better their year-end result in terms of the work they do with us. We actually are very happy with the amount of space, the amount of time we spend in this space and we dedicate ourselves solely to this space, which I think is another added benefit.
And in addition to that, just with the combined experience that Gary, myself, Melody and many other valued team members here at Burzenski bring to the table, there's a lot of practical experience that we have. There's a lot that we've seen over the years. So just being able to appreciate this industry and what this industry has become and how it has evolved over the years, that is something that makes Burzenski very unique in this space.
I would say the bulk of the practices that we work with are small animal GP, but we have experience working with mixed animal, large animal, equine, housecall,, mobile practices as well as exotic practices, avian exotic. We have experience working with holistic practices and pretty much every practice that you can think of. We've had some exposure to so definitely can assist practices even from an operational standpoint, how a practice runs and operates from a small animal perspective is going to be a lot different than a practice that sees equine only or a large animal only. So we have the ability from an operational standpoint, to give them guidance on how they should be utilizing and leveraging their team members regardless of the type of practice that they have. So, yes, have the ability to work with any practice out there.
What I would say is that every type of practice is a little unique and different. It's good that we have the ability to understand each different type of practice. An equine practice is not going to be the same as a general practice or a specialty emergency practice is definitely not going to be the same as either an equine practice or an avian exotic practice or general practice. Each has its own unique financial structure and each has its own unique type of circumstances and method of operation that I think requires somebody like us who is properly advising our clients to fully understand not only veterinary medicine, but that type of practice that they're in to really advise them correctly. And we take pride in making sure that we do that appropriately.
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